After a successful result of a unique fundraising idea in 2022, (Rotary jailbreak cashes in – The Carillon ( the Steinbach Rotary Club will be holding it’s “Jail Break” fund raiser again, this time supporting Steinbach Community Outreach, and Eden’s Recovery of Hope Counselling service, as well as the Segue U30 Wellness program.
To participate, well known community members have been selected to be imprisoned for the day, June 8th at the Clearspring Mall, where they will have to raise funds to “post bail”, and be released.
On behalf of Eden, we have elected Executive Board Chair Alan Kehler to be the Rotary Club’s “prisoner” for the day, and do his best to call good friends and business associates in order to be freed. Can you help Alan? All donations that come through this page, are designated specifically to Recovery of Hope and Segue Wellness U30 at Eden East. The remaining funds raised by other participants, if not designated, will be split down the middle and shared between the two non-profit organizations. Thank you for your generosity.
The members of the Rotary Club of South Eastman are from Steinbach and the southeast corner of Manitoba. A young club with big plans for the future, it is a volunteer organization of business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian service, and help to build goodwill and peace in the world.
Rotary clubs exist to improve communities through a range of humanitarian, intercultural and educational activities. Clubs advance international understanding by partnering with clubs in other countries. Rotary also encourages high ethical standards in all vocations.
Locally, the Rotary Club has been instrumental in funding the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, taught in the local schools by the Steinbach RCMP members, the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence. (Rotary Club of South Eastman – Steinbach (