The 17th annual Eden Foundation Tractor Trek is now complete! 54 trekkers, and nearly $80,000 raised for Eden’s mental health programs and services. We are so grateful for the trekkers who diligently fundraised for Eden’s cause, and see the value and need for mental health programs in our communities.

This year, we saw more first-time trekkers than ever. It gives us great hope for this event to continue, and grow, hopefully for years to come!
All funds raised will support Eden’s programs, including Segue Career Options, Recovery of Hope Counselling, Eden Housing & Supports, and Eden Mental Health Centre.
Thank you to the trekkers, business sponsors, public support, and to all who continue to keep Eden in mind, as we provide hope, healing and community to those on a mental health journey.
You can view the tractor parade here: https://youtu.be/xlBT7WO815k
Take a look at the article, written by Pembina Valley Online: