The project is complete. A visitor pod is in place tucked neatly into a spot south of Eden Mental Health Centre (EMHC). A couple months ago it became clear that good mental health included the continued contact with family members while being cared for in a hospital setting. Because EMHC is not a long-term care facility, it didn’t qualify for a provincially provided pod, so we had to find a way to do this on our own.
One alternative that was considered was to modify some entrance and exits to facilitate the strict protocol of separate entry and exit for clients and for visiting guests. Costs to do that would not only have been expensive but also require significant modifications to a portion of the hospital that in the long run would not have been helpful.
It was clear that a separate visitor pod was the best option and Niko Thiessen from EMHC took the lead in acquiring a basic structure and then completing it in a way that met all required health protocols and the requirements of MSTW. With the help of numerous businesses in southern Manitoba, the pod was completed quickly and at a cost significantly lower than any other alternative and has been put into use.

The need for the Visitor Pod could not have been predicted as part of a planning process and was never part of financial planning for 2020/21. It would be necessary to find additional funds to pay for this new construction that would require a $25,000 investment. Because of the generosity of a list of businesses and personal donations received from private individuals, the cost of the building; and all the additional components that are required as part of the health protocols, have been covered.
As a partner in Manitoba’s health program that provides funds to operate Eden Mental Health Centre, it will be good news for the public to know that no additional tax-based dollars were required to complete this project.
Eden Health Care Services expresses its thanks to the following contributors to this project.
Controlled Air
D A Loewen
Friesen Sales & Rentals
Winkler Floor Fashions
Parkside Home Hardware
Pembina Valley Windows & Doors
Berdick Windows
Great Plains Insulation
Janzen Paint
Renu – All Paint & Autobody
Niko Thiessen
Canadian Lumber
Gateway Resources
Windy Lane Towing
Kroeker Farms
Charleswood Mennonite Church
Neil Reimer
Helen Penner
Henry M. Peters
John Reimer
Henry Reimer
David Goertzen
Karma Sheppard
Kathryn M. Funk
Friesen Sales and Rentals
Crystal Cruickshank
Kristena & Eric Lane
Dave Elias
Parkside Home Building Centre
John T. Friesen
Canadian Lumber
Abundance Canada
Gary Reimer
Chad Martens.