24 Hour Helpline

Patients & Families

Family & Friends Sharing Circle  

If you have a loved one who is experiencing a mental health concern, you are welcome to join our Family and Friends Sharing Circle.

The Sharing Circle is scheduled on the third Monday of each month.  
We are meeting “In-Person” & “Virtually” (a link can be sent out to your email address). 
The In-Person meeting is located at the “Evergreen Classroom” located next to Eden Mental Health Centre.

For more information & to register, please call (204) 325-4325 (3265).

See poster with QR code.


Eden Mental Health Centre is situated along the south west part of Winkler, Manitoba in the Pembina Valley region. We welcome family members to visit their loved ones and community members to stop by for a tour, to enjoy our beautiful grounds or attend one of our events. 

In general, visiting hours for patients and their families and friends are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., seven days a week. However, hours will vary depending on which your loved one schedule including programs, groups, resting or appointments they may be attending. It is always best to arrange your visit with staff so they can ensure your loved one is available and prepared for your visit. Please check with unit staff regarding gifts, food or personal belongings you would like to bring for your loved one. 

Visitor parking is free of charge and located north of the Eden Mental Health Centre.  

Visitors may be required to produce photo identification when signing into the centre. Please be aware that cameras, video cameras or any other recording devices are not permitted. 

There is an Information Desk that is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to assist you with directions, parking or general inquiries.  

If you are feeling unwell please delay your visit until you are feeling better. Please note, our facility is a scent free facility.  


What is Recovery?  

The Mental Health Commission of Canada states “recovery” in mental health refers to living a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life, even when a person may be experiencing ongoing symptoms of a mental health problem or illness. Recovery journeys build on individual, family, cultural, and community strengths and can be supported by many types of services, supports, and treatments. Recovery principles, including hope, dignity, self-determination and responsibility, can be adapted to the realities of different life stages and to the full range of mental health problems and illnesses. Recovery is not only possible, but it should be expected. Championed by people with lived experience of mental health problems and illnesses for decades, recovery is being widely embraced by practitioners, service providers and policy makers in Canada and around the world. It is recognized as key to achieving better mental health outcomes and improving mental health systems. In recovery-oriented practice, service providers engage in shared decision-making with people with lived experience of mental health problems and illnesses, offering a range of services and supports to fully meet a person’s goals and needs. Recovery approaches stand on two pillars 1) Recognizing that each person is unique, with the right to determine their path toward mental health and wellbeing; and 2) Understanding that we live in complex societies where many intersecting factors (biological, psychological, social, economic, cultural, and spiritual) have an impact on mental health and wellbeing. 


If you have general inquires for Eden Mental Health Centre, please contact the administrative desk during business hours toll free at 1-866-559-2555 or 204-325-4325. If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency department.  

Compliments, Complaints, Concerns  

EHCS welcomes feedback it is a valuable resource to help improve care and quality of services. If you would like to share feedback, please complete the attached form and submit to EHCS.