Danny Plett is an internationally known singer, song-writer and musician. He’s been writing songs and singing since the age of 12. Danny has toured and given concerts with many well-known artists such as Brian Doerksen, Andrae Crouch, B.J. Thomas, and Michael Card to name only a few. Since 1992 he’s worked together with Teach Beyond (formerly the Janz Team) in Germany.

Danny has assembled a group of gifted musicians and will be performing a Virtual Online Concert for Eden Foundation entitled “Songs and Stories of Hope, Healing and Community”. On Monday April 5th the concert will be broadcast at 7:00pm.
Click HERE to be connected to the concert.
Countdown to Concert ……..
Here’s a taste of what to expect.
Nathan Dyck Derek Penner Wes Peters Lindsay Post Brandon Post Danny Plett
Eastertide is a combination of somber recognition of sacrifice as well as jubilation of a victory that has been won. It’s a good time for us to remember that this somber time of Covid-19, with its illness and deaths, it’s restriction and prohibitions is also going to end, and we will again be jubilant.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this past year has seen an increase in people experiencing loneliness, anxiety and depression in so many varying degrees of intensity.
“Songs and Stories of Hope, Healing and Community” will feature Danny Plett and in addition you’ll hear from people who will tell their personal stories of their mental health journeys.
There is no charge to view the concert, but it is a fund-raising event and you will have the opportunity to click on a link that will take you to a safe on-line donation vehicle and you will receive a tax deductible receipt.
Your donation will go toward the mission of bringing hope, healing and community to those on a mental health journey. In 2021, that will take shape by:
- Supporting Recovery of Hope Counselling services. This is a fee-for-service program, but no one is turned away. The difference between what a professional counsel costs and what someone can afford to pay is made up by a grant from the Foundation that your donation will resource.
- Supporting Segue Career Options. This is a program that helps people; many who are on a mental health journey, acquire the self-confidence needed to find work in southern Manitoba and the disciplines to maintain and excel in their new work.
- Support upgrades to our properties where people with limited financial resources find good, clean, safe and affordable homes; along with mental health support workers on site helping them to develop the skills to successfully integrate into the community.
- Support a Volunteer Co-ordinator who connects the community with people in care at Eden Mental Health Centre. The focus over this past year and the foreseeable future is on initiatives directed to client well-being now while groups of people aren’t permitted at the hospital.
- Support the mental health services being delivered in our new space at Stone Bridge Wellness Centre in Steinbach.
Throughout the concert, a secure link to a donation page will be visible. We hope you will find the work done by the various components of Eden Health Care Services worthy of your support. When you click on that link, you’ll be taken to the donation page that looks like what you see below and it too, is secured to accept your donation if you so choose.